Saturday 15 March 2014

Thursday 13th March

This week we have been back on timetable in Year 1, which means we have been busy, busy, busy! We started off the week learning about busy bee verbs. We had fun coming up with our own verbs and finding an action for doing words. We made our own bee's and wrote our own verbs with pictures. Later, we were writing directions using adjectives for baby bear who was trying to get from the snowy forest, over the wooden bridge to the dark and scary cave. Some of us went outside the wooden play area and pretended that this was the landmarks so we could practice saying our directions. This was alot of fun too. Then we were able to write down our directions in full sentences. In Numeracy we learnt all about time and we were finding out about hours and minutes, as well as solving some time problems. We discussed that the sun is up at 8 O'clock in the morning and the moon is out at 8 O'clock in the evening. The Children enjoyed using the clocks and making their own clocks in the Activity Room. Later in the week, we learnt about positions. We had fun finding the position of shapes, or teddy's position around the classroom. In Topic we are learning about light and dark. We had lots to say about what we knew about this subject. We loved going into the dark cave in the activity room with torches to see what objects we could see in the dark. We tried out different lights to see which one was the best to see in the dark. We looked into a dark box to see if we could see the object. We could only see it in the dark. We are looking forward to an exciting week next week with Charity Day!