Wednesday 26 March 2014

Happy Holidays

Year 1 would like to thank all the Parents for their support over this very busy term. Have a restful and relaxing holiday and we look forward to seeing you all again on Sunday 13th April back at school. Happy Holidays.

Which was the best reflective material we could see in the dark?

Our second light and dark investigation had us looking at different materials to see which was reflective and which wasn't. This was quite tricky as we first had learn what reflection meant. We did this using a mirror and trying it out with torches on the whiteboard. We were able to see the light on the whiteboard as well as on the mirror. We tested lots of different material to decide which would be best to make a reflective hat out of. Children made their hats out of different materials. We then tried out the hats in our Little Bears Dark Cave with our torches to decide which hats were the best reflective hats. Mostly we decided that the shiny paper and the cellophane hats were the best reflective hats to see in the dark.

We've been investigating what a light source is! It was fun!

At the start of the week, we went on a light source walk around the school to see if we could identify different light sources. We found quite a few with digital clocks, sunshine, bus headlights, street lights, classroom lights, torches... the list was endless when we looked. Our next task was to take the pictures we had drawn and sort them into the brightest light source to the dimmest light source. Most of us thought that the sun was the brightest and some children said that Little Bear's lantern was the dimmest, whilst other children chose some of the torches.

Recapping what we have learnt in Numeracy

This week, we spent consolidating what we have learnt through the term to make sure that we are secure in what we have been learning in maths. We revisited subtraction, addition, doubling and shapes. Playing numeracy games helps us to work out and use the strategies ourselves. Playing with a partner also helps us to work things out together and share different ways of working out our maths problems.

Thursday 20 March 2014

RAKA Charity Day

Thank you to all Year 1 Parents who donated goods for the Year 1 Cake stall.  The cakes were very popular.

RAKA had a great evening joining together to raise money for the Red Crescent.

Many thanks for all your support.

Using our Senses to help us in the dark

We had an exciting time in topic this week..... We closed our eyes to see what happened... There were lots of smells and noises. Some of us were blindfolded to test our senses some more. Some children spent time in the dark cave to see how it felt with lights on and off. Some Children investigated which material or colour was the best to see through with a torch. Whilst others made reflective pictures with shiny paper and then tested them in the cave.